Thursday, 8 August 2013

Greetings from Nairobi

Uneventful flight to London from Edinburgh where we did some last minute shopping and shared a bottle of champagne.  I don't think I'll be doing that again for sometime however I'm sure I'll discover some new cocktail recipes in South Sudan. 

 Liz is in the middle and Holly to the right, my companions, friends and supports for the next year.

After some discussion and uncertainty, due to the fire at Kenyatta Airport, we took off as planned.  We landed in a smouldering airport with hoards of people who had been delayed from the day before.  It took so long to get through immigration, which was in a gazebo, we missed our flight to Juba.  The chaos at the airport was impressive, there were queues everywhere, ample misinformation and people losing the plot.

After hours waiting in queues we were taken to a very comfortable hotel in Nairobi where we have been looked after very well.  The plan is to try again tomorrow.  We have been told that we are on a 7.40 flight but we'll see what happens.  We don't know where our luggage is, but hope it will turn up in Juba at some point.  We are due to be picked up at 4 am so its an early night, no champagne or cocktails tonight.


  1. Thought about you when I saw the fire on the news in Nairobi Airport - sounds like chaos! Hope you found your luggage and caught your next flight. We will wait to hear about your arrival at Juba ..... and beyond. xxx

  2. Hope you found your luggage and the next stage of the journey went smoothly! Looking forward to hearing more.

  3. Hi Carol, Heard from John that you arrived in Juba and I expect you are busy with induction .Hope your luggage arrived as it would be terrible if you got someone else's sandals/ undies !I notice that you are 2 hours ahead of here and that Juba is an expanding city and it is wonderful that you will be able to have a trip sometime on the White Nile but , when you do, remember that song " never smile at a crocodile ". I expect you will see some similarities with Malawi and I look forward to reading your news. Love Helen xx

  4. Hi Carol, Your a brave woman! I'm following Melanie (my daughter's blog) and you now... Sounds like you've had an extraordinary experience already! Mel is now in Vietnam working with children and young adults, her place sound like luxury compared to where you are. Take care, Carole x
